Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Le Defi'13 du froid

As I mentioned last month, I now take part in the French Defi'13 - so on the 13th of each month you can expect something from me! This month's theme is 'Moi, froid jamais' (Moi, I am never cold)... This was the perfect excuse to actually make my own hot water bottle cover. To be fair, I have been drooling over the Toast ones since I received their Christmas catalogue. And I have been pondering on to make my own version for a month and here we are. And it was finished (and started) last night. It was only a matter of sitting down and just getting on with it.

My version Defi'13

Mon Defi'13 etait l'occasion de finalement coudre une enveloppe pour ma bouillotte. Ca fait au moins un mois que je me dis qu'il faut que je m'y mette. Et puis j'ai remis plusieurs fois a plus tard. Mais pour respecter les delais du Defi'13 je me suis assisse a ma table hier soir et il etait clair que je n'allais pas la quitter tant que mon projet n'etait pas fini. Vous le comprenez, je suis tres bornee quand je le veux. Mon inspiration vient de Toast, l'une de mes marques preferees.

The TOAST version

So I started by outlining the pattern around the water bottle. I added 1cm around the core (I think I would 2cm next time and would not draw the top so close to the original pattern - there is a bottle effect that make it akward to push though the bottle). Basically I should have looked at the TOAST pictures a bit more attentively - but I was on the roll by then.

J'ai trace le patron autour de ma bouillotte. J'ai ajoute 1cm autour du patron d'origine et je crois que j'aurais pu etre un peu plus large - 2cm peut etre. Je me suis rendue compte (trop tard) que j'aurais du etre beaucoup plus large au niveau du goulot pour que la bouillotte passe mieux - enfin comme la photo de la version TOAST quoi...

I used three different layers. So the top layer that you can see is a piece of fabric from an old Kimono I bought through Ebay made of silk. It is super luxurious - but really thin. So I added some wadding that I had laying around and I finally cut out a piece of fabric from a top that was way too big for me, but really goes well with the Kimono fabric.

Le tissu du dessus vient d'un ancien Kimono - un bout de tissu qui contient de la soie achete sur Ebay recemmenent, qui est tres fin. J'ai ajoute du rembourrage. La doublure vient d'un haut beaucoup trop grand pour moi mais dont le tissu m'avait vraiment plus (et que je n'ai donc pas renvoye - heureusement!).

Probably the pictures where the colours are closer to the real thing

I quilted following one of the sashiko techniques - following lines and symetrical patterns, of course, although with the machine rather by hand. I did not want to stand out as much and only want the texture to be a bit more interesting - the fabric is a bit shiny already.

J'ai choisi un motif de quilting suivant la methose sashiko - des formes geometriques, of course. J'ai tout cousu a la machine, je ne voulais pas que le quilting se voit trop mais donne une texture interessante au tissue qui brille un peu.

Sew everything together, et voila!

Your own TOAT Hottie for a fraction of the price, and a Defi'13 project submitted on time - Pheww.

Et un nouveau Defi'13 releve - juste a temps et une jolie bouillotte pour cet hiver!


  1. This looks really difficult to make! I really love the end result though, and a hot water bottle is perfect for this time of year. xo

  2. Lovely! I've made one from fleece and it is super cosy. Yours is so lovely, it would make such a great gift!

  3. What a good idea ! It's very nice and seams to be easy to make. Congratulations for ... oups, je réalise que ton blog est aussi en français ... j'arrête donc de baragouiner et veux te féliciter autant que te remercier de ta visite chez les escargots ! See you next défi'13 !

  4. Super jolie... et elle a l'air tellement douillette! Mes pieds en rêvent désormais pour se glisser au chaud sous la couette

  5. ahhh la bouillotte... bonne idée de la relooker!

  6. The hottie dress, ehm cover, is so cute! Once again, I'm really amazed by your skills and creativity...beautiful project!

  7. I so need one of these!! I had to stop getting the Toast catalogue when I stopped working, it's like torture!! ;)

  8. C'est tres charmant! J'aime le tissu :D

  9. WOW, I wish I knew how to sew!


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