Wednesday, 21 December 2011


I have been wondering about posting about Cadence for a while. I tend to post about the projects I like, that went well, better even - that I will wear. Cadence has been sitting on my chair for a month or so, purely on the basis that I did not know what to do with it. Can I salvage it, or should I frog it and knit another Cadence on the basis of what I learnt, or should I give up on Cadence? All I knew is that there was no way I would actually wear it. It is a shame because I actually quite like the pattern, the colour and the neckline.

J'ai pris mon temps avant d'ecrire mon post sur Cadence. J'ai longtemps hesite a montrer ce projet que j'ai fini depuis au moins un mois maintenant. Et pour cause, je ne savais pas quoi en faire - fallait-il essayer de sauver mon pull? le detricoter et tricoter un autre? ou abandonner le projet completement? Clairement je ne suis pas prete a le porter, donc il a fallu travailler sur une solution. Et pourtant j'aime sa couleur brique du Nord, l'encolure est simple et rend bien et le modele rend normalement bien (sur les autres).

Je l'avais tricote en Cocoon brick de Rowan avec des aiguilles 7mm - en une piece. Tout a ete tres rapide, j'aurais du me mefier. C'etait mon premier pull apres tout et je m'attendais a de gros problemes. Je l'ai essaye plusieurs fois - un des grands atouts de ce modele - et je me disais que c'etait un peu grand, mais j'ai continue parce que ca ira quand tout sera tricote... et en fait non, les problemes du debut sont toujours des problemes et en fait se sont empires. L'encolure est toujours trop grande, et apparemment je ne suis pas une taille M mais S selon ce modele (tres flatteur, mais dans la vraie realite je ne suis pas un S), et la laine est vraiment lourde ce qui donne un aspect rideau dans le dos.

I used some Rowan Cocoon yarn, needles size 7mm for this. When I measured myself I was a size M according to the pattern, but in fact I think Ishould have knitted a size S (I am NOT a size S in real life - I wished but I am not). It was way too easy - the gauge was exactly what was required. It was an easy knit in the end, in one piece, I was knitting along fine. I tried it a few times - because I could - and I knew there were a few issues but I thought that 'they would make sense' in the end... These issues remained and in fact got worse at the end of the project. The collar is too wide, the jumper is too big and the fabric is really heavy (and it looks like I have a heavy curtain at the back - not a good look).

Some of these problems are all my fault. I wanted to widen the neckline and I knitted a bigger size - clearly overdid it. As for the yarn, I had seen a few negative comments about it - and honestly I agree, this is not ideal for garnments - plus I like lighter fabric. I may use it for a blanket or something for next Christmas. Also it is quite scratchy (I may have to add I am very sensitive to wool - ie allergic as well - so it may be an issue to do with me).

Je dois confesser que certains des problemes que j'ai rencontre sont dus au fait que je voulais une encolure plus grande que prevue par le modele - et ai tricote une taille beaucoup plus (trop) grande a ce niveau la (que j'ai rattrape par la suite pour garder une taille M). J'avais deja lu des commentaires negatifs sur Cocoon, et je suis d'accord, c'est vraiment tres lourd et meiux adapte a des afghans (pour Noel? ce serait de saison apres tout). Mais tout cela reste mon avis personnel - et le fait que je fais une allergie a cette laine qui me gratte.

So this is going to be frogged. That's it, this is not be next year's Xmas blanket for our sofa. I was going to knit Cocoon into a new jumper, but I don't think I cna deal with this yarn. Will I knit Cadence again? I would like to because I like the construction and the pattern, and to be fair I learnt a fair amount from knitting this one - so I am not closed to the idea, but not yet.

J'ai decide de detricoter le pull. Cette laine deviendra un afghan pour le Noel de l'an prochain. J'aillais tricoter un autre pull en Cocoon, mais j'ai decide que moi et Cocoon on ne ferait pas bon menage - je ne la supporte pas sur ma peau. Je pense que je tricoterai une autre (meilleure) version de Cadence. J'ai adore la construction du pull et le modele en lui-meme, et en fait j'ai appris beaucoup de choses de cette version - mais pas tout de suite..

PS: We are off tomorrow to France. I am taking a few projects with me (including Gingko, progressing but not as quickly as I wanted), will post from time to time. But I hope you all have a wonderful holiday!

Nous rentrons demain en France et j'aurai quelques projets dans mes bagages dont gingko que j'aurai du finir depuis longtemps en fait, mais sera fini pour Noel je suppose. Je viendrai sur le blog de temps en temps. Mais d'ici la bonne vacances!

Thursday, 15 December 2011


I received a new Japanese crochet/knitting book in French (did you follow all of that) yesterday. I am seriously obsessed by Japanese craft books, and for once I could actually understand what they meant - sort of (as in it is not all in Japanese). This one is called 'Joli Fil de Lin'. I just had to have a go yesterday (yes I still need to finish Gingko), and make a little crochet snowflake coaster last night. It is so pretty. Although it is in French, the book is in fact divided between pictures and patterns (not written out though so you can follow easily even if you don't speak French).

au billet de la Poule, je suis hier devenue l'heureuse proprietaire de 'Joli fil de lin' et je me suis mise au crochet tout de suite (parce que j'ai le Gingko de Mamy et plein d'autres projets a finir). Mais le modele etait vraiment trop 'cute' et toute resistance etait futile. Et finir un projet en une heure est vraiment gratifiant en fait.. Meme si le livre est en francais, ce qui aide (en comparaison au japonais par exemple), les patrons ne sont pas ecrits en entier - une fois qu'on a deciphere (tant bien que mal) les schemas ca va beaucoup mieux..

What other project am I likely to make .. Autres projets qui vous verrez peut etre finis.

A spring/summer scarf

A head scarf - could be woolen one for skiing?

A necklace and bracelet (especially the bracelet)

It is a hit and miss with this book. There are projects for the house and accessories that are beautiful (simple and geometric, what else!) but the garnments are a bit strange, and I am unlikely to make them if I am honest - although I may learn a few new stitches. It is worth buying if you are into Japanese patterns - there are a few quick (gratifying) projects as well, otherwise there are probably models already available on Ravelry.

Je suis contente de mon achat, on trouve un peu de tout. Tout ce qui est pour la deco et 'bijoux' c'est super par contre j'ai trouve les modeles pour les vetements.. en fait pas trop a mon gout. Mais bon quand il est question des gouts et des couleurs.. A vous de voir. Par contre je recommande chaudement 'Impostures sur papier glace' de Catherine Rambert qui raconte la vie d'une redactrice-en-chef fictive de Super Star. C'est vraiment tres marrant, tres bien ecrit, et ca decrit le monde des 'beautiful people' et de Voici, Gala et autres glossy magazines.

Si vous achetez l'un des livres ou faites l'un des projets en crochet, faites moi signe..

If you buy the book/already made projects fromt he book, let me know, I would love to see them.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Le Defi'13 du froid

As I mentioned last month, I now take part in the French Defi'13 - so on the 13th of each month you can expect something from me! This month's theme is 'Moi, froid jamais' (Moi, I am never cold)... This was the perfect excuse to actually make my own hot water bottle cover. To be fair, I have been drooling over the Toast ones since I received their Christmas catalogue. And I have been pondering on to make my own version for a month and here we are. And it was finished (and started) last night. It was only a matter of sitting down and just getting on with it.

My version Defi'13

Mon Defi'13 etait l'occasion de finalement coudre une enveloppe pour ma bouillotte. Ca fait au moins un mois que je me dis qu'il faut que je m'y mette. Et puis j'ai remis plusieurs fois a plus tard. Mais pour respecter les delais du Defi'13 je me suis assisse a ma table hier soir et il etait clair que je n'allais pas la quitter tant que mon projet n'etait pas fini. Vous le comprenez, je suis tres bornee quand je le veux. Mon inspiration vient de Toast, l'une de mes marques preferees.

The TOAST version

So I started by outlining the pattern around the water bottle. I added 1cm around the core (I think I would 2cm next time and would not draw the top so close to the original pattern - there is a bottle effect that make it akward to push though the bottle). Basically I should have looked at the TOAST pictures a bit more attentively - but I was on the roll by then.

J'ai trace le patron autour de ma bouillotte. J'ai ajoute 1cm autour du patron d'origine et je crois que j'aurais pu etre un peu plus large - 2cm peut etre. Je me suis rendue compte (trop tard) que j'aurais du etre beaucoup plus large au niveau du goulot pour que la bouillotte passe mieux - enfin comme la photo de la version TOAST quoi...

I used three different layers. So the top layer that you can see is a piece of fabric from an old Kimono I bought through Ebay made of silk. It is super luxurious - but really thin. So I added some wadding that I had laying around and I finally cut out a piece of fabric from a top that was way too big for me, but really goes well with the Kimono fabric.

Le tissu du dessus vient d'un ancien Kimono - un bout de tissu qui contient de la soie achete sur Ebay recemmenent, qui est tres fin. J'ai ajoute du rembourrage. La doublure vient d'un haut beaucoup trop grand pour moi mais dont le tissu m'avait vraiment plus (et que je n'ai donc pas renvoye - heureusement!).

Probably the pictures where the colours are closer to the real thing

I quilted following one of the sashiko techniques - following lines and symetrical patterns, of course, although with the machine rather by hand. I did not want to stand out as much and only want the texture to be a bit more interesting - the fabric is a bit shiny already.

J'ai choisi un motif de quilting suivant la methose sashiko - des formes geometriques, of course. J'ai tout cousu a la machine, je ne voulais pas que le quilting se voit trop mais donne une texture interessante au tissue qui brille un peu.

Sew everything together, et voila!

Your own TOAT Hottie for a fraction of the price, and a Defi'13 project submitted on time - Pheww.

Et un nouveau Defi'13 releve - juste a temps et une jolie bouillotte pour cet hiver!

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Orange sanguine

...or blood orange. This was my first thought (in French, I did not know the English translation at the time) when I finished it. This is what you get by mixing orange pumkin and red cherry yarn. It is WAY out of my comfort zone in terms of colours, but do I love it? oh yes! Would I knit again? Actually I think I might (may need to go back to neutrals though). Not straight away mind you, but it is not as boring as it seems - because of the size 6mm of the needles I expect.

La couleur orange sanguine... Generalement je prefere un fond gris et quelques touches de couleurs par ci par la. Et non, 2 metres d'orange et rouge. Et pourtant je l'adddoooore. En fait, je m'en tricoterai bien une autre, mais la j'ai besoin d'une petite pause er d'un nouveau projet. Mais les aiguilles 6mm m'ont drolement facilite la tache .. La preuve je l'ai fini en une semaine - un exploit pour moi!

Voici la taille de l'etole que je porte generalement en echarpe. Ce n'etait pas tres difficile a tricoter.. OK, A PART si vous regardez la tele en meme temps - ca complique en fait vachement les choses. Les notions a connaitre sont minimales mais le resultat est vraiment tres interessant en terme de texture. Vous pouvez avoir une idee de ce dont vous avez besoin sur ce projet de PurlBee. Le matos de la Droguerie est quand meme super. J'ai fini toute la pelote - il ne me reste rien, zilch, zero de laine...

I am now wearing the shawl as a scarf. It is really not too difficult to knit. The number of stitches to know is quite minimum, you can see what you will be needing on the PurlBee website. Got the yarn from la Droguerie as I mentioned before, and needles 6mm - and finished the all yarn, I have nothing left. If you have a book from La Droguerie and cannot understand the stitches, let me know I may be able to help. Anyhow, with a minimum of skills, you can get something that is really interesting in terms of texture. HOWEVER it is not an easy knit in front of the TV... Well at least it did not work out for me.

I would definitely recommend a dark blue nail varnish (I am wearing the YSL one) to wear with this scarf. Anything electric blue for that matter... yes blue and orange is my new thing..

J'ai une nouvelle obsesssion: la combinaison entre le bleu et l'orange. Mon vernis est le YSL blue nuit - du vrai bonheur!

All to be posted, with more pictures, on Ravelry.. Je mettrai plus de photos sur Ravelry.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011


Sometimes you are having a bad day and it is dragging and suddenly someone sends you an email, and all the negativity of the day is gone and you are just really thankful. Yesterday, Betty thought I should receive The Versatile Blogger award. So here it is, in its full green glory - very cute. I have been thinking lately a lot about the blog, should I carry on, is it worth it? Does anyone care? And then an award given by a fellow blogger suddenly makes it all worth it.

With this award comes a couple of rules, including sharing 7 things about me. I already did the HUNDRED post, and there are quite a few bits and pieces about me there, but I thought it would be fun to talk about my 7 addictions.

1. I am a yarn and fabric addict. My hobby room is getting really full. But I love it.. One day, all of this stash will be making fabulous projects. Time is what I need - anyone has found out how to make days longer (48 hours would suit me).

2. I am a books addict. I have just signed up to our loval library, because I cannot actually have more books in the house.

3. I am crime TV series addict - I already referred to my Hercule Poirot obsession (not in any weird way), but I could add Midsommer murders, Lewis, Luther, Spooks, 24.. Perfect for knitting.

4. I am a sleep and food addict. It is quite simple I am in a real foul mood if I have not slept or had no food. I go quiet and cannot concentrate on anything else, and I get quite angry - basically you don't want to meet me when I am like that.

5. I am a skiing addict. I love it. Since I am 3, I only missed ONE skiing season. I have had a major accident 15 years ago, and it has not changed anything.

6. I am an email/internet/facebook/social network addict. I have friends in different countries, and this is the greatest way to keep in touch with them - or 'meet' like-minded people (through the blog for instance).

7. I am a chocolate addict. BUT not a fan of chocolate cake. I don't like it - don't know why. Currently in my drawer are awaiting some Lindt chocolate, dark chocolate and Chunky KitKat... Hmmm..

So I promised last week an outfit post. This has clearly not happened. There is a couple of VERY good reasons for this. First of all, we were super late for the party, and could not take picture before and then, well I was in no state to have my picture taken. Secondly, I am doing an interior design course (8. I am a learning addict) and module 4 was due today, I had to finish the drawings yesterday.

So will there or will not be any post about the outfit? There will be at some point this week. M needs to help out (ie take pictures), but for the time being here are the different bits and bobs composing the outfit.

Dress for Coast; Bag from Topshop;

Bangle from Oasis;

Scarf/Shawl by me -

jardin des plantes pattern La Droguerie

I LOVE the scarf. I am quite honest about the successes of some of my projects, and this one is a clear success. I was slightly peeved when I realised that PurlBee had a very similar pattern as the one from La Droguerie (for free) but then I would not have had that amazing yarn. More on the project to come this week.

So the next step is to spread the Versatile Blogger word - I am able in turn to award it to 15 of my favourite blogs... Expect some email to come guys!

Friday, 2 December 2011

Au suivant

I have finished my shawl for the Christmas party - Hooray, crisis over, no pashmina to buy last minute! It really needs blocking and cannot be seen as it is now. So pictures to come (with the whole outfit - oh yeah!). Anyway, one project finished, it is time to pass to the next one! Do you remember my little dilemma about my Mamy's present, I decided that she needed a Gingko! She doesn't know it, but believe me she does. Thank you to juicyknits for giving me a link that works - pattern is now printed and in my bag.

J'ai fini le Jardin des Plantes de la Droguerie mais je ne peux pas le montrer dans son etat actuel. Il faut le 'bloquer' (c'est comme ca qu'on dit?), pour les photos ce sera lundi. Je peux donc passer a mon projet suivant - le cadeau de Noel de Mamy. J'ai bien reflechi (au moins 2 bonnes minutes) et je pense que ce qu'elle veut vraiment c'est un gingko. Ca lui manque et elle ne le sait meme pas! Donc me voila de retour sur Ravelry pour voir qui a fait quoi, comment et avec quelle laine... et je crois que j'ai trouve trois modifs qui feront de mon Gingko le cadeau ideal...

So back on Ravelry, to check out the different Gingko projects and I found some interesting modifications. These are the 3 I am considering doing.

DDknits repeated rows 1-16 four times to make a lacier & larger shawl (I am loving this project). Un Gingko plus grand, j'adore..

Wyvon54 put beads on the stems of the leaves. Mamy loves some bling bling, and this would be right up her street - but I have never done it, so could go really wrong and slow me down. Perle ou sans perle, telle est la question? Ma Mamy ADORE tout ce qui brille, alors ce serait une super modif pour elle - mais j'ai peur de ralentir le projet a trop penser comment mettre les perles... A suivre.

Kessalin used laceweight yarn instead of fingering-weight and kept to 4mm to achieve sheer lacey texture. Need to sample then (and I am not really good at that). Un changement de texture en changeant la taille des mes aiguilles - il va falloir faire des essais (et c'est pas franchement mon truc, moi j'aime bien commence toute de suite...)

So here we are. So what do you thing guys? Should I go for a pimped-up Gingko? Anyway it is Friday and I cannot wait for 5pm! Hope you all have a great weekend.

Qu'est-ce que vous en pensez? je me fais toutes les modifs ou seulement une (ou deux)? Tout ce ce qui compte pour le moment c'est qu'on est vendredi et a 17h00 c'est le weekend! Alors bon weekend!!

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

{PATCHWORK - Buy it or Make it?} Noas' Libellule obsession

You had nearly forgotten my {Buy it or Make it} feature, hadn't you? It has been on my mind for - like - ever, and I never actually managed to sit down and write any {BIMI} since August! That-is-not-good. But we are back on track - at least once a month. The patchwork theme may have looked an easy one to choose, 1) because Elle France (issue 18 Nov) had a feature on it (see 1 in collage), 2) because I stalk a lot of patchwork blogs on the net, and 3) because this is something I actually do. So I tried to make it a bit less 'cushions and throws' (my kind of patchwork) and a bit more fashion (sort of).

1. Elle France feature on patchwork; 2. Alphabet Patchwork Print by RukaRuka at Etsy; 3. Patchwork belt at; 4. Sonia Rykiel Patchwork Dress at Asos; 5. Patchwork Apron at Anthropologie; 6. Esposito shoes at Farfetch; 7. Filkin Cushion at Toast; 8. Isabel Marant shirt at Matches.

(NB: pas d'accents aujourd'hui, clavier QWERTY) .. Voila ma selection patchwork. Comme je le disais en anglais ci-dessus le patchwork c'est mon truc, je fais meme part de mes projets sur mon blog! Donc j'aurai pu vous faire des listes de coussins et autres couvertures a acheter. Mais non, ici on veut du fashion et j'ai surtout eu de la chance que la Poule a petit pas nous ait sorti sa version de la chemise d'Isabel Marant il n'y a pas bien longtemps. Je ne vais pas vous re-ecrire les instructions de la Poule, c'est beaucoup plus marrant de lire ses billets.

{Make it} Well, you have the choice for patchwork. Check out my blogroll on the right-hand side and you will find what you need. But for the 'Homemade' version of the Isabel Marant shirt, you will have to check out one of my favourite French blogs La Poule a petit pas. She used a mix of two Japanese books patterns (you will see the pics on her blog). She mixed different fabrics and sewed all the pieces together before cutting out the patterns. Honestly this is WAY out of my league - but it looks SO much like the real thing I may have to try (or it may stay in my book of ideas for a while)...

Alternatively, as it is soon to be Christmas (you have noticed, haven't you?), I thought that you really needed was a Christmas stocking. Purlbee has a super detailed tutorial for THIS Christmas stocking (and if it came with yarn at my house, I will make more than one!). I reckon you can easily change the patchwork pattern and make it a bit more advanced - if you wanted to show off, for instance..

Pour mon deuxieme {made it} je prepare Noel. Alors avec mon Christmas Stocking selon le tuto de Purlbee, je serai prete a recevoir laines, tissus et autres fournitures pour mes futurs projets... Je veux meme bien en faire plusieurs si on a besoin de plus de place pour mes cadeaux - c'est pas un probleme! Je m'adapte!

So guys, are we ready for some patchwork? Are you inspired or has another patchwork project inspired you? Let me know in your comments, I love seeing your inspirations.

Monday, 28 November 2011

Paris instantanés

We went,
we had a brilliant time,
and now we are back... and all is left are snippets of a great weekend.

But we will go back again and again... So when is the next conference I can attend?

Nous y sommes allés,
nous nous sommes bien amusés,
et nous sommes maintenant de retour... et il ne nous reste que ces petits souvernirs en photos..

Mais on y retournera encore et encore, à quand la prochaine conférence?

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Inspired by a Paris quarter (or an outfit progress)

I finally managed to go to La Droguerie. I keep reading French bloggers telling me they bought their yarn, patterns, fabric etc from La Droguerie (and seeing beautiful being created). But you cannot really buy their stuff online - arrghhh. It has frustrated me for a bit of time now. So I had to make a detout on my way back from today's conference - and I managed to find the shop and yarn for a shawl (to be worn at the Xmas party?). The pattern (name) jumped at me, Le Jardin des Plantes - or where my Dad stayed when he was a student in Paris, in my favourite part of Paris. It was a sign...

Je disais donc qu'à lire tous vos blogs me vanter les laines et autres projets de la Droguerie, il me faillait moi aussi y aller pour faire mes achats - ce que j'ai finalement fait ce soir après ma conférence. Il me fallait une étole pour la Xmas party (celle dont je ne fais que parler en ce moment) - et j'ai trouvé le modèle avec le nom idéal - l'étole en dentelle Jardin des Plantes. Le Jardin des Plantes étant où P'pa a fait ses études (enfin dans le coin) et mon endroit préféré à Paris.. C'était un signe.. et me voilà repartie toute contente avec un livre de la Droguerie - (au cas où je ne reviendrais pas à Paris de si tôt) - ma laine, et mes aiguilles..

La Droguerie has an 'interesting' system going on. You have to wait for someone to serve you, and then you buy your yarn by the weight (literally they weigh it while they make it into a cake) according to the pattern that you chose ... The pattern required a mix of alpaga and 'plumette' (like kid silk). You can see the yarn is a mix of pumkin orange (Garance) and cherry red (Cochenille) - which should hopefully give the illusion of burnt orange...

Vous connaissez sûrement le système de la Droguerie.. moi non. Mais je suis très contente avec mes pelotes, toutes prêtes, d'alpaga (en garance) et de plumette (cochenille) - le tout devant donner ma couleur 'burnt orange' pour ma tenue de soirée pour la Xmas party.

All in all a very successfull first trip to la Droguerie - and only 8 days to knit the shawl - and I am not a fast knitter.. Focus, I need focus... Can I make it? Any tips on knitting faster?

Bon ben voilà, il n'y a plus qu'à... en 8 jours.. Si vous avez quelques conseils pour tricoter plus rapidement, je suis preneuse..

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Colour inspiration for Christmas Party

I have been in denial about the outift - focusing instead on the benefits of a Christmas party, ie free food and booze and some serious gossip afterwards (M's HR lady famously passed out at last year's Christmas party and an ambulance had to take her away - Brilliant!). In theory, the colour palette will be deep blue and burnt orange ... When it will come to it I may chicken out and be in the black..

(Pas d'accents aujourd'hui, mon clavier anglais me fait des miseres). En Angleterre la periode des Chritmas parties commence - et celle de M se deroulera dans deux semaines. J'ai du me resoudre a finalement penser a ce que j'allais porter. pour M c'est plutot facile - exactement le meme costard que l'annee derniere. Cette annee je compte jouer la carte bleue nuit et orange brulee (tres mauvaise traduction de 'burnt orange'). Ou il serait pourrait bien que le jour j je me rabatte sur le noir, noir, et encore plus de noir - tres classe et surtout beaucoup moins flash...

2nd December is the day... All will be revealed the following week. Pour le resultat final il faudra attendre le 2 decembre.

So flashy or classy, guys?

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Inspired by French films

French TV is installed at home, and I am one very happy person - except when I end up on dubbed American/British TV. I tend to lipread rather than focus on the French dialogues, and at the end I get really confused. I talk usually about my inspirations, but when an American blockbuster (ie The Tourist with Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp) is inspired by a French film (Anthony Zimmer with Sophie Marceau and Yvan Attal), I reckon it deserves a post (and an excuse to talk about my French TV addiction). Here is the trailer (bad bad video, but I am sure the train scene is going to look familiar).

Nous avons finalement installé le cable français!! 13 ans ici, et c'est la première fois que j'ai accès facilement à la télé française. Oui çà me manquait - ce qui est assez surprenant comme tenu de la qualité de certains programmes, mais passons .. Tout çà pour vous dire que je viens finalement de trouver le film français à l'origine de The Tourist (çà a sûrement été traduit) avec Angelina Jolie et Johnny Depp.. Anthony Zimmer avec Sophie Marceau et Yvan Attal - les scènes du train sont très similaires. Et çà vaut le coup d'un petit clin d'oeil de ma campagne anglaise.

The French version is seriously less glam.. I was trying to think of other European films that have been turned into major Hollywood productions but sometimes you just don't know. Anything spring to mind guys? Vous vous souvenez d'autres films européens qui ont été refaits à la sauce holywoodienne - je sais qu'il y en a plein d'autres mais pas moyen de m'en souvenir?

Inspiration is everywhere..

Monday, 14 November 2011

Defi'13 on the 14th

This month's Défi'13 theme ( a challenge against the bad luck of 13th of each month) was British Style. Well, well, well that was supposed to be super easy, right! And I should have come up with tons of ideas. Wrong. Well, I did, but I did not manage to really make any of them... But M saved the day, and made my entry to Défi'13 possible. To be fair it was a joint effort: a poster I bought ages ago, with a frame totally redone by M.

Le thème de Novembre du Défi'13 c'était British Style, et honnêtement je me suis dit que c'était gagné d'avance - the fingers in the nose comme P'pa dirait (son anglais est super évolué). on habite en Grande-Bretagne, et rien que pour çà je devrais pouvoir entrer le challenge de ce mois. Non, non et re-non, çà ne s'est pas du tout passé comme çà. Je n'ai eu le temps de rien faure et j'ai bien cru ne pas pouvoir valider mon entrée ce mois-ci.. Jusqu'à hier soir.. M (mon très gentil, et surtout très patient mari) a fini de peindre le cadre pour mon poster Sherlock Holmes. Et bingo, j'avais mon entrée de Novembre..

I am sure you have seen these posters before. The WHOLE book is written in a tiny font, and the main character/theme is cut out. The frame is now silver (pine before). M customised it as follows: he sanded the frame first, applied a first coat of primer, sanded it again, second coat of primer, sanded again, applied the first coat of silver paint, sanded again, and applied the top coat. A lot of sanding involved! We bought the frame second-hand (it was during my 'buy nothing new for a month challenge' - two massive frames for 30 pounds with the passe-partouts). He also cut the passe-partout to size.

On trouve ce genre de posters partout en GB en ce moment. M a customisé le cadre (en pin à l'origine): il a poncé le cadre, puis peint une première sous-couche, ponçage, deuxième sous-couche, ponçage, première couche de peinture argenté, ponçage, et couche finale de peinture argenté. Il a également coupé le passe-partout.. Bref beaucoup de ponçage!! Mais en même temps comme on a acheté ce cadre pour 20 euros, avec le passe-partout, çà valait le coup..

My first Défi'13... Next month's theme, 'Moi froid, jamais' (or I am never cold) - in theory, it should be even easier than this month's theme... Normalement, le thème du mois de décembre c'est vraiment du gâteau - j'ai même une idée de tricot... A suivre.

Off this afternoon, cannot wait. So hope you all have a wonderful week guys! A plus!

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Decisions, decisions, decisions

So you have seen them... Yes the Christmas adverts have arrived, and it is time to think about presents for my family. I try to knit/crochet a shawl for Mamy (my Grandma) every year. She is always cold, and she loves telling ALL her friends that I have made what she is wearing. So where do you go for inspiration.. yes, ravelry. Here is my selection so far (if you want to get the pattern, I queued them all on my ravelry profile). But what to choose?

I chose a mix of winter-y shawls and more spring-y. It is all colour neutral now, so I cannot get influenced by the colour - does it make it easier, not sure?

There are all very different and requiring varying degree of skills, and varying lenghts of stockinette. I really don't want to get bored otherwise, it will never happen...

And then there is the outsider: the SHRUG. I really do like it, but is it Mamy's style, not sure... I am wondering if she is not a Navdanya prayer shawl... Decisions, decisions, decisions...

So what is your favourite guys?? Have you already thought of Christmas presents - even started making them??

PS: Just ONE day to go before my holiday, I am SO excited!

Monday, 7 November 2011

7 days to go

I don't talk about my 'other life' a lot but let's just say that work has been really hectic recently (hence less blog updates unfortunately), and I cannot wait for this week to finish. As of Friday, 5pm, I will be on HOLIDAY! yeah!! Nothing fancy mind you, I did not really want to travel far and all we really need is time off. I wanted to go somewhere in the countryside with a fireplace (we don't have one at home and I am really missing it). So we are going in England... Whoohoo! I know, exciting...

November is quite special for us, as we will have been together for 7 years at the end of this month (we cannot remember the date, but it was a great night out!). And we carry on celebrating this anniversary - or at least make an effort to be together. Two years ago we went to a
Landmark Trust building in Norfolk. The Landmark trust restores old buildings and rent them out for short or long breaks - raising money to buy additional buildings and restore them in turn.

They have on their books properties for 2 to 16 people. You can add your requirements (dog-friendly, building with a fireplace). And depending on when you go (for a long weekend, or a short week), it can be quite cheap. All buildings have a fully-equipped kitchen which make it much more flexible for us. I am not great at eating at defined times when I am on holiday.

They are some amazing buildings that you can rent. I am assuming that the more amazing they are the more popular they are. As we are not the most organised people, we end up booking only 2 or 3 weeks in advance, so the number of properties is quite limited - I am sure it pays to be organised.. All the pictures are from the Landmark Trust website. Amazing, non?

Off we are next Monday, and there will be no TV and no blackberry (OK, not sure whether this is going to really work for us).. Time to relax, and reflect.... and slllleeeeepppp.

What are you up in the next couple of weeks guys? Anything exciting or unusual places to see? happy Monday guys!