Thursday, 31 May 2012
The last one ...
It has been quite a rollercoaster relationship between us consisting of many trips to the toilet (all day, who called it morning sickness - probably a man!), a lot of crying (why am I so sick?), a lot of travelling together (work, work and more work), a lot of hiding behind baggy clothes (apparently managed not to be too obvious) and finally the scan today. And here we are, we already know we are about to have a hyperactive kiddo! Do not be fooled by the picture it was impossible to have the baby still for more than 2 seconds. On the plus side, we saw his feet (massive) and his arms (flying around). All of this making me think there is more of M's genes than mine. Not a good sign when I am the one giving birth... Ok let's not even think about this right now. I can be in denial for another 6 months...
Anyway I will now be able to go back on ravelry and pinterest and get inspired 'publicly'. Cannot wait!
This is also the last post on this blog as it is nearly time to go other the new blog (you can have a sneak peak by going on or below.. What do you think guys?
Just to be clear the new blog is not a baby blog. Of course there will be projects for the baby - including redecorating my hobby room into a baby room (not born and already making himself comfortable), and building a shed at the end of the garden to become a hobby room/very tired parents' bedroom.. It would be weird if the baby was not going to make an appearance, but it will still very much be a crafty blog, well when I get my mojo back and stop being sick all the time (can someone tell the baby that I should be glowing by now??)
Of course I am still on twitter (@NoasLibellule) and that is probably the social network I use the most at the moment, follow me to see how we get on with all our projects!
So guys, it is all time to follow me on the new blog... and see how I get on!
Monday, 2 April 2012
What happened?
You may have seen the MiH board appeared on my pinterest a couple of weeks ago. I am working with a blog designer on the new blog, and I was looking for inspiration for her, so that she could put my vision into a beautiful new blog. SO exciting!
It will be a sad moment to leave this blog. But it is time to move to something new. The launch is due in May, and from now to then I will share progress with the new blog, review my best and worst projects, what has become of them (do I actually use those things that I made?)... and bid my virtual alter-ego Noas'Libellule farewell. But it will be fun, with more great and exciting projects coming up.
Monday, 27 February 2012
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Winnowing in progress on Saturday night |
So I was glad to receive I receive this picture in my inbox today...
Friday, 24 February 2012
How much verification do we need?
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yes the fuzzy font and its size do not help either |
So please, if you are also annoyed to have to give two words to justify you are not a robot - stop your own verification system... It is simple, and here is how you do it..
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Place mat tutorial
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Finished! |
- Linen fabric
- Fabric Marker Pen (Sharpie pen)
- Letter stencil
I would advise you to put pages underneath...
Here we are.. Simple really. Let me know if you are making one!
It is Wednesday... Just... SO I am linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced. Placemats are finished, yeah! I can move on to the next quilt - involving shirts and upcycling, more on this next week...
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Britain in our Kitchen Unplugged {Pancake Day Special}
Picture from the Good Housewife's Encyclopedia, 1963 |
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The latest book on my selves |
Friday, 17 February 2012
Latest Pins to Inspire
3. Thinking Easter Eggs au naturel...I think that would be a hit for Britain in our Kitchen.
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Interesting colour coordination - not one of my obsessions? |
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Stop!!! |
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
In progress and a real IT achievement (for me)! (Updated!)
What to report ... I made some progress with my two placemats for Valentine's Day (yes that would be for yesterday... or 14th Feb 2013 as the case may be now). Actually I saw it coming and I did not over do it on the hearts, so we may be able to use them before next year.
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The left hand side fabric is from Summersville on Etsy, and right hand side one some linen fabric bought on Amazon |
A tutorial to come on how I printed the quote on the linen fabric. Who can guess what it says?
I can report NO progress on the shirt patchwork ... so there is no point to talk about it.
I also need to make something out of these fabulous scraps I received from Indianna Dreams. As none of us really had some scraps, we decided to swap some fabric pieces. I was SO excited about it. She chose so well for me - look at all the grey and yellow. Need to put on my thinking cap now...
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Winnowing is on its way, I am at that stage when I misjudged how much yarn I needed, and I am waiting, anxiously I may add, for that package.
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Winnowing waiting to be finished |
FINALLY! I do have a button you can grab on the right-hand side bar... It took me AGES to get there... for something that is quite easy in the end... But everyone seems to have a different way to do it. (Sorry for those who came on this post before the updated version, it did not work, it should be fixed now and you can actually have your button...)
Anyway here are the steps I followed (a mix of different helpful blogger suggestions):
1. Choose your picture (I used my banner one... made sense right). I edited the picture with Picnik.
2. I resized it to 125x 150 (should not be bigger than 150 to make sure it fits on other bloggers side bars)
3. Upload the picture to an online photo gallery service. I tried through Picasa, but my picture never appeared in the end (if someone managed to resolve that problem, please let me know). So I used Photobucket in the end - it is free and very fast. You get the HTML of your picture on the right hand-side.
4.Got to layout in blogger, to the design bar, and add an HTML gadget to the place you want your button to show.
5. You can add a title ('Grab my button')
6. Copy the HTML Code you can find here.
7. Paste the above HTML Code into the HTML gadget
8. Replace YOUR WEB ADDRESS by your blog address
9. Replace BLOG TITLE by a blog title of your choice (mine says Inspirations for Handmade)
10. Replace the IMAGE HTML ADDRESS by the HTML Code you found on Photobucket
11. Save it, test it and let me know how you got on!
Monday, 13 February 2012
Giveaway Winner and some crafty randomness
So the cross-stitched cow trail (that you can sort of make out at the top left of the plaid) was the original purchase. I bought it with my Mum, oohhh 7 years ago (at least - the shop does not exist anymore), I finished it 2 years and a half ago.. and could have just framed it (It was hard enough to do to deserve it!). But no! Why do simple when you can over-complicate things? I decided that it would look very good on a plaid. It is OK, but the best piece is really that cross-stitch, let's face it... I may have over-complicated things.
Apart from that I also found a picture of me - for those who want to know what I look like. This is totally representative of course.. as I was probably 2 in that picture (a family favourite, everyone has at least 2 in their houses). All I can say is thank you L'Oreal for bringing some natural blond highlights in my life, and thank you straighteners for getting rid of this locks I struggle with every morning.
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That dress my Mum and Mamy's favourite, and they like it SO MUCH they keep buying more for my non-existent children (yes they do and are open about it!) |
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M is getting in the spirit of Valentine's Day (balloons from Paperchase) |
Friday, 10 February 2012
What does blogging means to me - by Emma

Hey everyone! So we’ve made it to Friday – yay!
Emma here from Gawgus Things having the honour of Guest Posting whilst Nat is off having fun!
It’s been fun reading all the other posts that have been popping up in Nat’s absence and today it’s my turn to tell you what blogging means to me!
I started regularly blogging in October 2010. I’d started reading other blogs a few months before and loved them so much that I really wanted to be part of the blogging scene.
I’ve been extremely lucky since I’ve started blogging in that I’ve only ever had positive experiences with my fellow bloggers. I know, I know, you haven’t succeeded unless you’ve received at least one negative comment so I’ve still got a way to go ;)
Since I’ve started blogging I’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of talent that is out there. Whether it’s how someone has styled an outfit, a DIY that they’ve done, a skill that they’ve shared or a place that they’ve visited; I’m still amazed every day by what I come across.
I feel like I’m learning every day from people I’ve unfortunately never met, or likely to either, but I love it when you get a connection with someone (hey, Nat!) and feel that a genuine friendship is building.
I love the support you get if you’re feeling a bit down or want advice on something or help on how to do something. Everyone is so open and eager to help you either feel better or get a task done.
The blogging world has made me push boundaries, open my eyes and given me the courage to just go for it! Thank you all for this, I give you a big cheer and hugs all round J
Don’t forget there’s still time to enter Nat’s fantastic giveaway. Just click here for details!!
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
My thoughts on blogging (Popbabe7)
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Some of my projects from"A Project A Week" |
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That's it from me! Before you go, don't forget to enter Noas' Libellule fantastic giveaway- you still have time to enter and share your thoughts about what blogging means to you. Thanks for reading my ramblings!!
Monday, 6 February 2012
What the blog?
I'll be taking over this space today so I hope you don't mind!
I've been asked to share a little about what blogging means to me. I've been thinking about it a lot and it's really hard not to come off cheesy or just end up repeating what countless others say. Nathalie said I could include a picture, which helps because that's sometimes the best way to explain something.
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My husband took this picture of my son some time ago, he's looking through a cardboard box! |
There's a sense of exploration; of myself, my creativity, growth, skills and possibilities.
I feel like blogging is a way of looking out into the world, framing myself in the process. Connecting with others, telling my story, sharing my sewing journey.
The light is so crucial to this picture and blogging for me has created so much light. I don't have to hark on to people who aren't interested in my sewing, I have a place to share with like minded people, I have encouragement, support and friends. I follow and read so many interesting blogs, I feel inspired every day seeing people's creations, discovering techniques and learning so much from everyone. It's led me to challenge myself, to do things I wouldn't have even considered on my own and to begin to develop my own sewing and writing style.
There's a dreamy, pensive quality to this picture too. I'm a full time mum and despite the fact I adore what I do there's a longing to fulfill another part of myself - for me quilting and blogging are something I do that's mine. I ponder, I prepare, I sew, I make, I write, I share. Those rays of light are those wonderful cables that link me to all of you!
(I knew this would end up being cheesy)
I've been very lucky since I started blogging last year and wanted to help spread some joy (or not!!). I'm having a Fugly Fabric Party over on my blog starting tomorrow, I'd love for you to come and check it out!
Also if you haven't already seen it you must immediately go and enter Nathalie's giveaway - the girl has seriously good taste! Must be why we're friends ;)

Friday, 3 February 2012
It is GIWEAWAY time

- This Giveaway is now finished, and Sarah at Almost Delightful won it, follow me there may be a next giveaway -
Thursday, 2 February 2012
{Pay and Display} Our House

Wednesday, 1 February 2012
The Awkward and Awesome of my Happiness Project

Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Finishing and Announcing